AFGELOPEN zondag, 27-4-2014 was Horst centrum leeft. Zoals ik laatst in een blogpost al uitgelegd had, hadden we deze dag een levende etalage bij Vrouw Women's Wear. De modellen hebben we het haar en make-up gedaan en Vrouw heeft de kleding verzorgd. Zoals jullie zien zagen de meiden er prachtig uit en konden ze goed vertoeven in de "vintage"etalage. Het idee erachter was dat ze eigenlijk een feestje hadden gehad en dat dit dan de "day after" was. Wat natuurlijk kan kloppen de dag na Koningsdag. In het centrum waren nog bij verschillende winkels hele leuke levende etalages te bezichtigen en werden er allerlei activiteiten gehouden en speelden er bandjes. Gelukkig viel het weer later op de middag nog mee, de zon kwam erdoor en er was ook voldoende winkelend publiek.
With love, style agents.
PAST sunday, 27-4-2014 there was something organised in our village, called Horst centrum leeft. The meaning of this day was that people could go shopping and saw all kinds of living windows. We had a living window at Vrouw Women's Wear. The models had their hair and make-up done by us and Vrouw picked out the outfits they were wearing. As you can see the girls looked beautiful and could easily spend their afternoon sitting in the "vintage"window. The idea behind it was, that they had a party the night before and that this was the "day after". Which of course could be right, the day after Kingsday. In the rest of the street there were also more living windows to see and and there were all sorts of activities and musicbands playing. Thankfully the weather wasn't so bad later that afternoon. The sun came through and there was also enough shopping public.
With love, style agents.